Acorn Mini Storage’s Partnership with the Diaper Bank of Minnesota
#All Things Local

Acorn Mini Storage Partners with Diaper Bank of Minnesota
In 2017, Acorn Mini Storage joined hands with the Diaper Bank of Minnesota in an effort to help solve a crisis many parents face: the need for diapers.
Acorn Mini Storage serves as the official drop site partner for the Diaper Bank of Minnesota by using all of our 15 locations as diaper donation sites. We then transport diapers to the Diaper Bank of Minnesota’s ‘hub’ – an Acorn Mini Storage unit.
How Many Families Experience Diaper Need in Minnesota?
In Minnesota, approximately ⅓ of children three and younger experience diaper need, which means around 75,000 children across the state don’t always have clean diapers when they need them. We’re on a mission to help bring that number down, and along with the Diaper Bank of Minnesota, we’re working to ensure all families have access to clean diapers.
How Can I Help?
There are several ways you can help us support the Diaper Bank of Minnesota and reduce diaper need across the state.
Donate to the Diaper Bank of Minnesota
Donations are always helpful for the Diaper Bank of Minnesota. If you have unused diapers, even in open packages, consider making a donation to the Diaper Bank, which can then repackage and distribute the diapers to families in need. If you would like to donate financially, you can make either a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation. The Diaper Bank of Minnesota is able to purchase diapers for a fraction of the price you would pay in a retail store, so your donation goes a long way to helping families experiencing diaper need.
Volunteer with the Diaper Bank
If you would like to donate your time and effort by volunteering with the Diaper Bank of Minnesota, they are always in need of volunteers to help sort, count, and package diapers for distribution.
Host a Diaper Drive
If you’d like to help by collecting diaper donations, hosting a diaper drive is a great way to become involved. Many hosts collect diaper donations at churches, schools, workplaces, or events! Hosting a diaper drive can involve other members of your community to help end diaper need.
National Diaper Need Awareness Week
September 24 – October 2, 2022 is National Diaper Need Awareness Week: a week intended to raise awareness of diaper need and its prevalence across the country. If you would like to participate, consider making a donation or volunteering with a diaper bank near you.