Acorn Mini Storage’s College Storage Guide As a busy academic year wraps up and temperatures climb, college students in Minnesota and all over the country begin to dream of the excitement that awaits them during the summer. While it only lasts a few months, this break offers an invaluable escape from the classroom and gives […]

Prepping Your Boat & Fishing Gear for a MN Summer The weather is warming, the sun is shining, and you’re getting ready to get out and enjoy the Land of 10,000 Lakes. It’s time to dig your lake gear out of storage and prepare for your long-awaited weekend trips! It’s important to take care of […]

Nursery Ideas for Small Spaces One of the most exciting (and nerve-wracking) events in life, welcoming a newborn into your family is the beginning of an entirely new chapter. There are a lot of preparations to make before your little one comes home for the very first time, including the setup of a nursery space. […]

Acorn Mini Storage’s Guide to Spring Cleaning Your Unit As the calendar turns and the seasons change, many people take the opportunity to clean their personal surroundings as the outdoor environment also evolves around them. Whether done in the home or workplace, spring cleaning is a great way to clear your mind and reset as […]